Wednesday, November 28, 2007

#15 On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0 ...

The Away from the “icebergs” perspective, reminded me of the time when recently I was doing a spring clean and deciding whether to let go of certain books which were taking up space on my bookshelf. Some of them were perfectly good books and I felt I should keep them. I took a rather hard stance (for me, a hoarder) and told myself, "I can access any of the information contained in these books, on the net." So off they went into the Brotherhood bin. Boy it was hard, but to be absolutely honest, I hadn't picked up many of those books in ages, perhaps never since placing them on the shelf!

As a library patron, I decide at home whether a trip to my local library is necessary. Perhaps if I didn't work in a library I'd visit more often, but I find that I do much of my browsing online. My local library often has items my workplace doesn't, so I find it rather convenient to check online. The catalogues have become easier to use over the years. The displays have become much more user friendly.

The library users are the ones that are shaping the future of libraries. The needs of the community guide the library in the direction it takes and even though many of the library 'visits' happen online, some libraries are becoming increasingly busy. Some patrons arrive with a sense of purpose, knowing where to go because they've already seen what they want online. Self-suffiency seems to suit many. I know, I love it.


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