Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#14 Getting not-so-technical with Technorati

For this discovery exercise, we're asked to search for "Learning 2.0" in blog posts, in tags and in blog directory and see if the results are different. Well, yes they are. Searching blog posts or keyword, certainly brought back the most results.

A bit more exploring got me totally sidetracked. After listening to Helen Blowers on a You Tube video talk about the wonderful tools available on the web and the Learning 2.0 project being a great form of team building in the workplace, amongst other things, I somehow ended up at non-surgical nose jobs - the adjustment of the appearance of a nose, by injecting what is usually used for filling wrinkles! This sniffer dog is obviously on the wrong track!

I feel a little overwhelmed by Technorati. There are obviously heaps of blogs out there, but whether I would use Technorati? I don't think so, as I feel I would probably waste more time with distractions that actually finding relevant information.


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