I don't think I'm organized enough to "get organized with Plaxo". Perhaps I've missed something essential, but I would prefer a simple handwritten task list on my desk in a good old fashioned diary or notebook. In the past year or so, I've begun to keep dates and notes in my little mobile phone - no it's not one of those fancy shmancy organizers, but it does the job for me. I can carry it around in my pocket and set up alerts and reminders etc.
Plaxo I found a little too busy - too much happening with too many sidetracks. I also didn't like the way it wanted my Yahoo details on signing up - I opted out of that. I don't think making too much personal information available to too many sites a good way to go.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Thing 31: Get Organized with Plaxo
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thing 30: I'm in UR Libary, Readin UR b00ks
Oh so very cute! I can't see any bird, can you?
My chosen pic caught my eye straight away. A nicely set up picture and a very compliant cat too!
Is there a LOLDogs too? Woof!
Thing 29: Scrapblog - I'm in Love
A little time consuming, but engaging. A good way to entice readers perhaps, using soothing background music and snippets of books using a slideshow. It could be as long or as short as needed and as detailed as required for the purpose. A fun way to create a semi-professional looking piece without the need for expensive software.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Thing 28: Well we're big rock singers… (or food connoisseurs)
Image generators can be lots of fun and I had quite a play in Learning 2.0. For this exercise I chose "Food & Wine" magazine and used a photograph of a family member.
Thing 27: Photobucket #2
The Photobucket creation above is actually my second attempt. After blogging about it the first time, I tried to edit my creation. Don't quite know what I did, but ended up having to create a new one. This time I used images from Photobucket itself. I had a little trouble adding some of the music tracks so settled on one that worked.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Thing 27: Photobucket
I've really enjoyed playing with the Remix tool. The search option within Photobucket I found did not supply me with what I was looking for, so I searched elsewhere and uploaded from my computer.
I can see that I will be using this site again.
Please see my creation below, called "Fortune's Rocks at Photobucket".
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Thing 26: Yourminis - attempt #2
OK, I don't know what I was doing wrong before, but copying the code and embedding it is now working. I'm sure I was doing the same thing a few hours ago, but I've now got different results. So easy really - I can't quite work out why it all wasn't working before. See above and to the side some widgets from Yourminis.com.
Thing 26: Little bits of the Internet, on your desktop (Yourminis)
I have had a go at yourminis.com. Perhaps the hot weather is playing with my mind, because I can't quite work out how to add each widget separately. I have registered and have added a link to my chosen widgets. I shall persevere as I believe there must be a way - I've seen it on other people's blogs.
Diggly's Widgets
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Thing 25: Newsletters in a Pop!
I have enjoyed playing around with Letterpop. I must admit I have found it a little awkward at times, such as not finding the "dashboard" link until after my fourth attempt at making changes and having to scrap and start again. Perhaps it is a little late in the day for me? The templates I found a little limiting, but for free, I'm not complaining.
I hope you all enjoy my Letterpop creation, the link to which is found below.
Dribble with Diggly
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thing 24: Got file conversion issues?
OK, so I've not been doing any of this learning online for ages. Each time I've tried to engage with Learning 2.1, there has always been a much more interesting distraction. Tonight however, I decided to take some action!
Zamzar: I'd never heard of this site before, but I can see the use for it. My son has had issues at school opening files saved on our home computer. Zamzar could be invaluable at some later stage.
For this exercise, I took an article I found online and saved it to a word document. I submitted it to Zamzar and within 5 minutes, the converted document was emailed to me. I decided not to sign up at this stage, but saved the pdf file directly to my computer. It would only be available for 24 hours, but I did not see this as a problem.
I haven't worked out how to add the pdf file for all to see, but I've included a link to the video of the CBS News article, "Unlikely Reading Teaching Aide: Dogs."
Can Dogs Teach Kids To Read?